Registration for the 2020 District Leadership Conference and Membership Education Retreat is now open! This event will take place in beautiful Starkville, Mississippi on the campus of Mississippi State University, hosted by the Epsilon Chapter of KKPsi and the Zeta Iota Chapter of TBS. The event will take place February 15-16, 2020.

Every member of each chapter who intends on going will need to register. Additionally, we have two new opportunities for members of the SED to get involved:

  • A student keynote speaker will discuss Strength, Excellence, and Diversity and how the Bond has helped them
  • A workshop where two chapters (one KKPsi and one TBS) from the same school with discuss how they successfully navigate inter-organizational correspondence

You can apply to be the Keynote speaker when you register, and chapters who are interested in applying for the workshop can fill out the attached application.

To register for DLC/MER, click here.

To apply for the joint workshop, click here.

To order the official DLC/MER T-shirt, click here.

If you have any questions please reach out to any district officer!