Tau Beta Sigma Resources

To view the most updated copies of resources such as the Chapter Operations Handbook, Insurance Information, National Constitution, and more, please visit the Resources page of our National website.

Membership Resources

Overture – The National Vice President of Membership and Expansion, in conjunction with the TBS Curriculum Committee, work to keep Overture, our Membership Education Program up to date. For more information or questions about Overture, please email the Southeast District Vice President of Membership.

Pathway to Excellence – This document serves as a guide to important deadlines and highlights throughout the calendar year; feel free to download this document and use it as a checklist for your chapter to include important dates or other notable moments that come up throughout your year to plan for.

CMEP Google Drive – This drive has a handbook on how to make a Continuing Membership Education Program, CMEP presentations, lesson plans on conducting lessons, a form that will get you in contact to set up a meeting with the District CMEP committee, and submission from the district.

Parliamentary Resources

Constitution Revisions – A brief introduction to revising a chapter constitution, focusing on the “3 Ws” of revision: what, why, and when.

Robert’s Rules Basics – A table laying out the standard procedural actions used in the Robert’s Rules system and when/how to use them. 

Treasury Resources

Budgets, Accounts, and Deposits Template – This template can be used to provide a comprehensive overview of the budget for presentation purposes. It can be used for the Chairs/Officers to check how much money is left in their committee budget and how to use it. This also allows the Treasurer to make sure to see how the funds are being used and how to allocate them.

Financial Database District Template – Inside this template are multiple tabs where the Treasurer can keep logs of incomes and expenses for the various aspects of a chapter. It also includes a how-to for inputting numbers into each cell.