Tidings of Music and Joy! (DLC/SED Information)

Hello Southeast District of Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma,

The 2013-2014 Joint SED Council is pleased to officially invite you to the two largest SED events of the year- the District Leadership Conference and SED Convention!

The 2014 DLC will be held in Chapel Hill, NC at the University of North Carolina- Chapel Hill on February 8, 2014. You can find information regarding area hotels, dining, maps, and registration on their website here (seddlc2014.webs.com).

In Chapel Hill this year, the fraternity will be breaking down chapter functions to establish effective and accomplished practices throughout the Southeast District. Each hour, brothers will have the opportunity to learn from not only district officers, but also chapter officers from around the SED.

At the same time, Tau Beta Sigma has chosen to enlarge the basics of DLC to include information for membership candidates, recent initiates, chapter officers, and everyone else! For the Sisters, the day will be broken into 4 the facets of our new TBS SED Mission Statement: Music, Leadership, Service, and Sisterhood. During each of the 4 blocks, attendees will be able to learn and experience the bond in new and different ways than ever before!

Attendance typically runs smaller at DLC than at SED Convention, allowing the workshops and activities a more personal touch. The 2014 DLC will have a lot to offer everyone- from membership candidates to chapter presidents (and everyone in between)! I hope you will join us on February 8, 2014 at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill! And here’s the best part- THERE IS NO CHARGE TO ATTEND!!! Just register and show up!

Go ahead and mark your calendars for the 2014 SED Convention! It will be held in Atlanta, GA at the Georgia Institute of Technology- March 21-23, 2014. Details to come soon!

Both of the SED Councils, as well as both host chapters, have been hard at work to get their respective websites up and running as soon as possible. The schedule for both events will be available to you, as soon as they are completed (which hopefully will be very shortly).

So, for your travel and planning purposes, IT IS TIME! Take a look at the DLC website now, start planning your trip, and we will see you in Chapel Hill on February 8, 2014. The complete information regarding the 2014 SED will be out soon and we hope to see you in Atlanta on March 21-23, 2014.

If you have any questions regarding either event, please feel free to contact a member of your district council or either host chapter.


Belinda Baker
SED President
Tau Beta Sigma

Kyle Sullivan
SED President
Kappa Kappa Psi