Reminder: Concerto Competition/SiMM

Hello SED,

This is a reminder email about the Concerto Competition and Service in Music Month!

The 4 Concerto Competition documents can be found on the tbs SED website: Click Here to view all Concerto Competition documents. I’m asking that you please print out and post the ad and flyer around your schools of music and student unions since this competition is open to any undergraduate musician. I would greatly appreciate your help in spreading the word.

The application is due to me by Friday, November 1st! Please mail it to:

1000 Whaley Street
Columbia, SC 29201

If your application is not postmarked on or before November 1st, your application will not be reviewed.

Also, I need to approve all concerto pieces before anyone sends in an application. Please email me with your name, instrument, and the piece you want to audition with BEFORE November 1st. My email is

Service in Music Month is happening right now! Well one is already over and well two starts on Monday, October 7th

Lets take a look at the rest of the month’s itinerary:

Week 2 (October 7th-13th):

Keep Teens Musical- This week, move up to middle school or high school age youths and keep them interested in music!

Here are some ideas:

Go to a Middle School and:
Help the band program raise money.
Clean their band room.
Donate music/instruments.
Volunteer to help the band at a performance.


Go to a High School and:
Help recruit middle school band students to high school band programs/marching band.
Volunteer at a marching competition or a high school football game.
Help the high school band program fund raise.

Week 3 (October 14th-20th):

Support Your Peers- Other young adults are working just as hard as you, show them we are here to support them!

Here are some ideas:
Do a musical service event for your band program or the whole music department.
Consider supporting a different school (not your own) or even work with a neighboring chapter of TBS!
Partner with a chapter of TBS, KKY, or any of the other musical organizations to raise money or complete a service event.
Clean your band facility.

Week 4 (October 21st-27th):

Give Back to Your Elders- It’s time to show your elders how much you appreciate them!

Here are some ideas:
Stuff music folders for your local community band.
Host an event for your own band’s alumni.
Visit a nursing home or assisted living facility and perform a musicale.

This guide is not set in stone; you can deviate from the above model, so be creative! Participation is not mandatory but if you do want to participate, please fill out our SiMM log. You can find it in the TBS SED Facebook Page and in previous emails. Log each project that you do onto the document and email it back to me: in an attachment by Monday, November 4th!! You do not have to complete a service project every week to receive recognition, so go ahead and jump in now! Also, PLEASE send a log if you participated! I want to see what you guys are up to.

The council will review all of the logs, looking for membership participation, creativity, and musical impact. All chapters who participate in the 2013 Service in Music Month Movement will receive recognition at SED Convention in March! However, the chapter who best serves ALL THE AGES will be given an award at convention!

Any Questions, need help thinking up a project, or just want to chat??

Email me!

MOTS of love,
Shannon Matthews