We bring to you — the Summer SHELLS! : )

Hey Southeast District!

First of all, I hope everyone is having an awesome summer!

Secondly, have you been wondering how you will continue to spread your Tau Beta Sigma knowledge over the summer break? Are you excited about National Convention 2013 (whether you are attending or not)?? Well, your 2013-2014 Southeast District Council brings to you– the Summer Edition of the SHELLS! You can get help concerning summer chapter operations, National Convention, and more in this premiere issue from your district council! I hope you enjoy this edition of the SHELLS!

Remember…”It’s an honor to be selected to serve!” Enjoy the rest of the summer, but don’t forget about the upcoming Fall semester! 🙂 If you have any questions or comments about anything in the issue, feel free to contact any member of your district council! MLITB!

Musically Yours,

Ashley Williams
Tau Beta Sigma | Epsilon Chi
2013-2014 Southeast District Secretary