Hey SED,

I am thrilled to announce the newest additions to this year’s TBS SED Council!!!!

Joining us from THE Florida State University chapter of Tau Beta Sigma, Alpha Omega, the new SED Parliamentarian for the 2013-2014 year is Neil Bleiweiss! This year, he will be working to contact chapters about getting the most out of your chapter constitutions! Neil crossed in Spring 2011.

Hailing from the SED 2014 host school, the Georgia Institute of Technology and the Epsilon Theta chapter of Tau Beta Sigma. Our TBS SED Historian 2013-2014 is Bridgette Bell. She crossed in Fall 2011 and will be working this year on encouraging chapters to keep an accurate chapter history. She also might comprise a series of Post Membership Education lessons on the history of the SED!

I hope you will join me in congratulating our newest TBS council members. They can now be reached at sedhistorian@tbsigma.org and sedparliamentarian@tbsigma.org, respectively.

I hope to see many of you this weekend at Florida Day! Make sure your Chapter Progress Reports are in (and approved) by June 1st! And as always, if you need anything, do not hesitate to contact any member of your 2013-2014 TBS SED Council!