Tidings of Music and Joy! (DLC/SED Information)

Hello Southeast District of Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma,

The 2013-2014 Joint SED Council is pleased to officially invite you to the two largest SED events of the year- the District Leadership Conference and SED Convention!

The 2014 DLC will be held in Chapel Hill, NC at the University of North Carolina- Chapel Hill on February 8, 2014. You can find information regarding area hotels, dining, maps, and registration on their website here (seddlc2014.webs.com).

In Chapel Hill this year, the fraternity will be breaking down chapter functions to establish effective and accomplished practices throughout the Southeast District. Each hour, brothers will have the opportunity to learn from not only district officers, but also chapter officers from around the SED.

At the same time, Tau Beta Sigma has chosen to enlarge the basics of DLC to include information for membership candidates, recent initiates, chapter officers, and everyone else! For the Sisters, the day will be broken into 4 the facets of our new TBS SED Mission Statement: Music, Leadership, Service, and Sisterhood. During each of the 4 blocks, attendees will be able to learn and experience the bond in new and different ways than ever before!

Attendance typically runs smaller at DLC than at SED Convention, allowing the workshops and activities a more personal touch. The 2014 DLC will have a lot to offer everyone- from membership candidates to chapter presidents (and everyone in between)! I hope you will join us on February 8, 2014 at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill! And here’s the best part- THERE IS NO CHARGE TO ATTEND!!! Just register and show up!

Go ahead and mark your calendars for the 2014 SED Convention! It will be held in Atlanta, GA at the Georgia Institute of Technology- March 21-23, 2014. Details to come soon!

Both of the SED Councils, as well as both host chapters, have been hard at work to get their respective websites up and running as soon as possible. The schedule for both events will be available to you, as soon as they are completed (which hopefully will be very shortly).

So, for your travel and planning purposes, IT IS TIME! Take a look at the DLC website now, start planning your trip, and we will see you in Chapel Hill on February 8, 2014. The complete information regarding the 2014 SED will be out soon and we hope to see you in Atlanta on March 21-23, 2014.

If you have any questions regarding either event, please feel free to contact a member of your district council or either host chapter.


Belinda Baker
SED President
Tau Beta Sigma

Kyle Sullivan
SED President
Kappa Kappa Psi

Tau Beta Sigma Awards and Scholarships Information

E-mail from Amy is below. If you have any questions, you can find her on Facebook, OR you can e-mail her at amy@tbsigma.org



Greetings and Happy New Year sisters and brothers!

With the holiday season behind us but the feelings of joy and giving still in our hearts, I wanted to send out an e-mail to remind and inform everyone of the awards and scholarships available to you and your chapters. These are a great way to continue
As a member of Tau Beta Sigma, you all have achieved above and beyond in order to be here. We are proud of each and everyone one of you and all that you do. These awards and scholarships are simply a great way to recognize that sister or those sisters who have rose (pun intended) above and achieve greatness within their own lives or for your chapter and/or band program.

Below is the list of awards students can apply for, along with a brief explanation of each. Please note that those awards and scholarships with deadlines are due by March 1st. While reading these, if a name of one of your fellow sisters pops into your head, then I highly suggest submitting their name for consideration. As the old saying goes “you can’t win if you don’t play” and as my new saying goes “don’t be shy, apply”!


Award for your chapter:

Service Certificate

  • This award was created to recognize the significant achievement by chapters in providing service to college and university bands. The deadline for this award is March 1 of each year.

Award for your chapter sponsor:

Chapter Sponsor Award

  • This award was established by the 1993-1995 National Council in efforts to give chapters a way to recognize sponsors who have shown outstanding service to the Sorority and/or Fraternity. Nominations should be submitted to the National Headquarters by March 1 preceding the convention year. Applications will be reviewed by the National Council and the award will be presented at the district or national convention.

Awards for an individual student:

The Baton

  • The Baton is the highest award that Tau Beta Sigma awards to student members for leadership. A member must have held Active status within the last calendar year to be eligible. Nomination can be made by any National Officer, Trustee, Member of the TBSAA Executive Council, District Counselor, or Chapter.

“For Greater Bands”

  • Awarded to outstanding musicians who have demonstrated excellence in their college band programs.There is no deadline for this award; nominations may be submitted at any time.

Auxiliary Award

  • Awarded to an outstanding visual performer enrolled or actively participating in a music-related group. There is no deadline for this award; nominations may be submitted at any time.

Academic Achievement Program
This program was established by the 1991 National Convention to honor outstanding academic achievement of both individuals and active chapters.

  • The Top Chapter Scholar Award is presented to the active member from the chapter with the highest GPA for a given academic term.
  • The Outstanding Scholarship Award is given to active members of the chapter who achieve a 3.5 GPA (on a 4.0 scale) for a particular term.
  • The Chapter Certificate of Excellence is presented to chapters that achieve a cumulative GPA of 2.75 or better for a given academic term. This award may be presented at the district convention.

The Briolette Awards for Military Recognition
In 2007, The National Council of Tau Beta Sigma created an award to recognize members of our Sorority and our bands who have served our country.

  • Gold Briolette Memorial for members of Tau Beta Sigma who have passed while serving our country; includes a Memorial Resolution from the National Council.
  • Blue Briolette Recognition for members of Tau Beta Sigma who are currently serving our country or are veterans.
  • Silver Briolette Memorial for Band members who have passed while serving our country; includes a Memorial Resolution from the National Council.
  • White Briolette Recognition for Band members who are currently serving our country or are veterans.

Award for a professional you might know:

Johnnie Vinson Award

  • This award was created in 2003 and named in honor of its first recipient. It is presented to a professional, regardless of occupation, fraternal affiliation, or gender, who has promoted women in music through the exemplification of the ideals and vision of Tau Beta Sigma. Nominations may be submitted at any time, however, to be considered for the current biennium, nominations must be received by March 1 of the convention year.


Tau Beta Sigma National Scholarship for Outstanding Student Leaders

  • This award honors active members who have distinguished themselves as outstanding student leaders of Tau Beta Sigma, their band, their campus, and in academics. Each recipient is awarded $750 and receives a plaque of recognition. Applicants must be entering their Junior or Senior year after June 1st, have been an active member of Tau Beta Sigma for one year, and have a 3.0 GPA (on a 4.0 scale). The form and supplemental materials are due postmarked to National Headquarters by March 1st.

Tau Beta Sigma Patsy Drury Hejl National Scholarship for Outstanding Musical Achievement

  • The Patsy Drury Hejl National Scholarship for Outstanding Musical Achievement was designed to honor those active members who have distinguished themselves as outstanding musicians during their college career. Each recipient is awarded $750 and receives a plaque of recognition. Applicants must be entering their Junior or Senior year after June 1st, have been an active member of Tau Beta Sigma for one year, and have a 3.0 GPA (on a 4.0 scale). The form and supplemental materials are due postmarked to National Headquarters by March 1st.

Tau Beta Sigma Wava Scholarship

  • This award is designed to provide assistance to women who are preparing to enter the field of Music Education. Each recipient is awarded $750. Applicants must have been an active member of Tau Beta Sigma for one year at the time of application and have a 3.3 GPA (on a 4.0 scale). The application form and supplemental materials must be postmarked to National Headquarters by March 1st prior to the applicant’s junior or senior year.

Tau Beta Sigma Legacy Scholarship

  • This award was developed by the Board of Trustees to provide assistance to members who show outstanding business ability within Tau Beta Sigma or their band and is open to applications from women and men in Tau Beta Sigma. Each recipient is awarded $750. Applicants must have been an active member of Tau Beta Sigma for one year at the time of the application and have a 3.3 GPA (on a 4.0 scale). The application form and supplemental materials must be postmarked to National Headquarters by March 1st prior to the applicant’s junior or senior year.

Conn-Selmer Scholarship

  • Tau Beta Sigma awards scholarships to active members to attend Conn–Selmer University, a highly motivational workshop / seminar designed to support music educators preparing to begin a career in music education. Scholarships will be awarded up to $750 to provide registration cost and/or travel assistance for Tau Beta Sigma members attending Conn-Selmer University.

For further information and application forms, please visit http://www.tbsigma.org/awards.html and http://www.tbsigma.org/scholarships.html. You can also contact me via e-mail, Facebook, twitter or smoke signals with any questions. Remember that for those awards and scholarships with a deadline, the applications are due March 1st.

Don’t be shy, apply!

Happy New Year everyone!


Greetings from the Treasury…

Hello SED,

I hope you all have had a wonderful holiday season, and are ready to enjoy ringing in a new year. I have a few things I want to make sure everyone is aware of, as they are rather exciting!

First off:
Did you know that your chapter is eligible for two awards by shear generosity of donation!? That’s right! Your chapter can earn the SHELLS Full Participation Certificate by donating just $1.00 per active member in your chapter to the Rainy Day Fund. The amount of active members that will determine your participation status will be however many are reported in the online system at the beginning of SED. Also, your chapter is eligible for the SHELLS Full Participation Award, and you need to be the chapter that donates to most money to the Rainy Day fund. The form to use for these donations can be accessed by clicking here.

Speaking of the Rainy Day Fund, this is just a reminder that it is accessible to chapters who are in need of financial assistance. Just fill out the form here, attach all other necessary documents outlined, and send it to me. Everything you need should be there, but just in case you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail me.

I am proud to remind you about the recent announcement (in the last SHELLS) of the SED Logo Competition. This is a new venture we are trying out to get more diversity in the SED Store. We want to see more than just t-shirts, but we also want you to be the designer! The form, with all necessary information, can be found here.

Don’t forget about the SED Merchandise Page for all the TBS SED gear we have to offer. Make sure to stock up before DLC and SED Convention!

I hope you had a wonderful holiday season, and have a great new year. Safe travels to all, and good luck to those of you in the bowls!

SHELLS, Winter

Greetings SED,

The recent edition of SHELLS, from the your TBS SED Council was sent out to the SED Chapter Presidents earlier this week. However, we wanted to get it into as many inboxes as possible! SOOOO, without further ado, here is the TBS SED Council’s Publication – SHELLS, Winter Edition.

I hope you enjoy it and I hope you have a very Merry Christmas (Or Happy Holidays, if you are not a Christmas celebrator)!

Tau Beta Sigma Fall 2013 Campaign

Season Greetings to all members of Tau Beta Sigma,

The TBS Board of Trustees & TBS Alumni Association are happy to update you on our Fall 2013 Campaign! We have mailed out a new Tau Beta Sigma brochure updating you on the Sorority programs, projects & membership involvement. If you did not receive our latest mailing on the Fall 2013 Campaign, please feel free to visit our online system and update or double check the mailing address we have listed for you. The brochures are hitting mailboxes throughout the week. Feel free to visit & log onto our online system:


If you are unable to login, please contact National Headquarters at kkytbs@kkytbs.org and provide your name (including maiden name if applicable), chapter and initiation year.

Below we have attached a pdf. file of our latest campaign. Please feel free to share with your fellow members, chapters, Sponsors & Directors. (Click here to see attachment.)

Fall 2013 Updates

Wava Memorial Garden

Since the passing of our beloved Wava Banes Turner Henry, the national leadership of Tau Beta Sigma is working collaboratively to create a Memorial Rose Garden to honor our Founder. Our vision is to have a beautiful reflection garden and park that will honor Wava for many years to come, all to be located at our National Headquarters in Stillwater, Oklahoma. The plans include a black granite pedestal dedicated to Wava, benches for reflection and meditation, a rose garden and other garden flowers and shrubs. Materials chosen for the Wava Memorial are intended to last forever in our beautiful park so that students and alumni can celebrate our Founder and have a quiet, contemplative space during a HQ visit.

We are still seeking donations for any amount for the Wava Memorial Gardens. Any donation from $1 – $999 will be recognized in our publications and in the National Headquarters list of contributors. We are also seeking larger donations for the Wava Memorial and donations of $1,000.00 or more will be recognized physically in the park. If anyone is interested in making a donation of $1,000 or more, please contact a member of the Board of Trustees.

The plan is to break ground on the Memorial in March 2014, with the unveiling of the project scheduled for July 2014. This will allow the national leadership to break ground on the project as part of our Founders Day activities, and to host a Wava Memorial dedication during the District Leadership Conference for student leaders in honor of the 75th Anniversary of Wava’s journey in founding Tau Beta Sigma. Our goal is to raise $40,000 for the Wava Memorial Garden, and so far we are 75% to our achieving our goal!!!

To contribute to the Wava Memorial, please visit www.tbsigma.org to donate online or mail checks to National HQ. We are asking that donations for the memorial be sent to NHQ by March 26, 2014, in order to receive on-site recognition.

Thank you in advance for your donations, support and efforts towards the completion of the Wava Memorial!

Tau Beta Sigma Alumni Association Updates:

The TBSAA Membership Year is changing to June 2014 – May 2015. If you join or renew now, your membership will be extended to the new membership year. That works out to 5 months free! If you have questions over this change email Justin Brady, Membership Chair at jbrady@tbsigma.org.

Join or renew your membership now to receive exclusive member benefits:

Alumni trip in summer 2014
Participation in district conventions
Rhapsody newsletter
Awards & grant opportunities for alumni
Professional development & networking

TBSAA Dues For 2014-2015 Membership Year:

Life Members & Young Alumni – $30
Alumni Members – $50

Wishing you all a wonderful holiday season! Much love in the bond,

Justin Brady
TBSAA Vice Chair

Lisa Croston
Board of Trustees & National Historian

Dollie O’Neill
Board of Trustees Vice Chair

Tau Beta Sigma Elizabeth City State University Colony First Degree

Greeting Sisters and Brothers of Tau Beta Sigma,

The National Council of Tau Beta Sigma is please to announced that the
Elizabeth City State University Colony will undergo First Degree on Sunday,
December 8, 2013 at 8:30pm at the address below:

Elizabeth City State University
Mickey L. Burnim Fine Arts Center
1704 Weeksville Rd
Elizabeth City, NC 27909

*Active, Alumni, and Honorary Members of the Tau Beta Sigma are welcome to
attend, however, please RSVP to the Colony President, Kamri Hurdle at
kamri13299@gmail.com by Thursday, December 5,
2013. * Please
send the colony your congratulations as they undertake this milestone in
their journey of colonization.


Kathryn Garrett Kelly, MD
Tau Beta Sigma, National Vice President for Colonization and Membership

From the SED Parliamentarian…

Hello SED!

As you may or may not have heard from myself, or your Chapter Mentor, I’m currently working on collecting every chapter’s constitution/bylaws/governing document. I’m undertaking this task to attempt to review everybody’s constitution so that I can make sure you’re really getting the most out of your constitution (or check for any revisions that may be necessary).

That being said, I would greatly appreciate if you (or your chapter’s parliamentarian or jurisdiction chair) could email me your chapter’s governing body(or bodies).

My email is sedparliamentarian-AT-tbsigma.org.

If you have any questions about bylaws or Robert’s Rules or anything about life, the universe and everything else, don’t be afraid to contact me, my inbox is always open.

MRR(Robert’s Rules)ITB!


Hey everyone,

I hope that you pictured me whispering “thirteen days” into your telephone just like in the old movie “The Ring.” That’s how it was in real life.

BUT for real though, something is happening in



#1- In 13 12 days, on December 1st, your Fall Activity Report is due on the OMRS. To be on time, your report must be submitted and APPROVED by both your Sponsor AND Director of Bands. Please remember, it is important that you submit your National paperwork on time, as you can be placed on probation for missing paperwork deadlines.

#2- In 13 12 days, on December 1st, your chapter’s Membership Education Program is due your chapter’s SED Council Mentor. To be complete, you must include the 10 things previously listed and sent out. (If you missed the email, visit the website here for more!) These are reviewed by a district counselor and are submitted to National Headquarters. If you fail to submit an MEP to us, NHQ can place you on probation. Please submit your MEP 🙂

#3- If you have recently initiated sisters into your chapter, do NOT forget to fill out the initiate registration on the OMRS within 30 days of initiation. Or you will get fined. You also must mail in their initiate dues. (The ONLY money the candidates should have paid– $95)

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact your chapter mentor, or me, and we will be happy to assist you! Stay tuned to your email as District Officer Evaluations will be going out soon, as well as information regarding DLC and SED 2014!!!


The Eighth Note!

Hello SED!

My name is Brittany Lyons and I am the secretary of the Alpha Omega chapter of Tau Beta Sigma at Florida State University and we (along with our brothers of the Gamma Nu chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi) are excited to host The Eighth Note this year.

The publication is online now (at sedpublications.wordpress.com), which means that we need your help to keep it constantly updated with news and articles! We are now accepting submissions for the Eighth Note at eighthnotesubmissions@gmail.com and we would love to get an article from each and every chapter in the SED before the end of the school year!!

With the online format, we will be able to have rolling submissions which means that you can submit your articles at any time. We will also select articles from the website to be used in the print version at SED, so keep them coming!

Here’s what you can do: pick a topic that interests you (this can be anything about TBS, music, service and so on, including what makes your chapter unique), write an article that’s a minimum of 500 words, and include a photo or photos.

Submitting an article to The Eighth Note is an excellent way for sisters to get involved at the district level. I can’t wait to hear from you all and thanks for your support!

Brittany Lyons
Alpha Omega, Tau Beta Sigma

A round of applause is due…

Southeast District of Tau Beta Sigma and Kappa Kappa Psi,

Thank you.

No really, thank you. From the district officers, to you, we applaud every late night, every early morning, and every sweat stained t-shirt in service to the college bands here in the SED and beyond. This school year so far, we have seen an enormous amount of effort from chapters of BOTH organizations to turn in paperwork on time, to contact and bond with chapters and ITB around you, and lastly, and most importantly, to serve your bands to the best of your ability.

We are thankful.

We are proud.

And we are the SED- Strength, Excellence, Diversity.

We could not possibly recognize all the accomplishments of every single chapter in the SED- there are too many. However, we do want to spotlight 3 individual chapters who have gone above and beyond, and continue daily to work for the SED.

This year’s Eighth Note host, began working immediately after being awarded the bid. You will be getting information from them soon concerning the BRAND NEW “rolling submission” process for Eighth Note articles, as well as an updated Eighth Note look! Please join us in congratulating and thanking the Alpha Omega chapter of Tau Beta Sigma and the Gamma Nu chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi from THE Florida State University for hosting the 2013-2014 SED Eighth Note publication!

The next chapter and event we would like to proudly announce is the 2014 SED District Leadership Conference. We had an INCREDIBLE amount of interest in hosting this event this year, and after much discussion, the Joint Council has selected the Iota Lambda chapter of Tau Beta Sigma and the Mu Eta chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi from the University of North Carolina- Chapel Hill! We are excited to announce the 2014 SED DLC will be hosted in Chapel Hill, North Carolina on February 8, 2014. Please add this event to your calendars for it is one you certainly will not want to miss!

Last, but certainly not least, we cannot thank the next chapter enough for their continued work on the biggest project the Southeast District has… Southeast District Convention. The brothers and sisters of the Iota chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi and the Epsilon Theta chapter of Tau Beta Sigma have been diligently working since the 2013 SED Convention to make this year’s convention the best yet! Without their hard work and expertise of the Atlanta area, the 2014 SED would be nothing. However, since they have put in spectacular work so far, we would like to again announce the 2014 SED Convention will be held in Atlanta, GA from March 21-23, 2014.

Again, thank you for all of your hard work this fall, for your individual chapters and schools, and also for the betterment of the two national organizations. If you are ever in any need of assistance, we are always reachable at the below email addresses.

MLITB, always!

Belinda Baker
Tau Beta Sigma
Southeast District President

Kyle Sullivan
Kappa Kappa Psi
Southeast District President