Our First Purpose states our organization works “to create a respect and appreciation for band activities and achievements among the listening public everywhere.” The Conduct Us Band is a fun and simple way to promote music by getting the public involved!

Completing the project is simple: simply organize a group of sisters to play school or other songs. Then, you set up in a high-foot traffic area with a music stand with a sign that says “Conduct Us” (batons make a great addition too). Finally, once your conductor from the public walks up, have them count you off and lead you through a song–make sure you follow their tempo!

Pro-tip: You may need to encourage the first few people to come up and conduct, but once the ice is broken, more people will come up on their own!

Here’s a great example of a Conduct Us Band (your group can be made up of any group of instruments): https://youtu.be/5_cbnBak8RI

Program Requirements:

  • Set up in a high foot-traffic, public area
  • Must be open to anyone to conduct
  • Band may be comprised of non-sisters as well
  • Activity must last for at least 15 minutes
  • Pictures and/or video are required to receive credit for participating