March Service Reminders

Good Evening, TBS SED!!

It’s the first week of March, which is the start of Service in Schools Month! Hopefully you are already out there participating by doing service for a school near you, but if not, jump on it!

Also, please don’t forget about the trash=treasure fundraiser! Also, tell your friends to search their closets and give anything they want to donate to you! You do not have to be ITB to be able to donate to a great cause! You can mail anything music related that you would like to donate to the following address:

1000 Whaley St.
APT 4129
Columbia, SC 29201

Or, bring it to SED Convention on March 21st-23rd!

Remember, “It’s an honor to be selected to serve!”

Have a great day!

SED Survival Guide!

Greetings, SisTAUS!

Feel free to take a look at the Southeast District Convention Survival Guide!

In this guide, we have so much important information for our chapters in preparation for the upcoming Southeast District Convention! We are SO excited for this convention, and cannot wait to see everyone there! Go ahead, Southeast District. Flip it open, and enjoy! : )

SED Registration!

Hello SED!!!

Happy Monday, I hope you are getting whatever you need out of your day! But there is one thing that is a MUST DO on your list— register for SED Convention! There are only 3 days left (counting today) to register and be guaranteed a seat for banquet and a t-shirt! Georgia Tech and both of the SED Councils are hard at work getting the finishing details worked out for convention, but it won’t be the same if we don’t have you!!! Registration, with banquet and t-shirt ends on March 5, with money due by March 9th.

Please visit the website at to register, view the schedule, and to see all the fun stuff ATL has to offer! I cannot wait to see you there!

<3 MLITB : )