Hey Southeast District,

Another email, another topic. This year, I have worked all of the SED Forms and paperwork we need from your chapter to be DIGITAL!!! WHOOOHOOOO. This is very cool in several ways:
1. You can do it easily
2. You can fill it out quickly
3. You do not have to worry about postage
4. I get your response as soon as you are complete!
So, I would like to remind you that Convention is in ONE MONTH AND ONE WEEK!!!!! AHHH!
Looking forward, in order for me to start working on our committee assignments, committee chairs, etc, I am asking that this form is filled out and submitted to me by THIS FRIDAY, February 21 (one month from convention)!
  • If you are attending convention, the form will ask you questions like who you delegates might be, what committees you are interested in, and other fun facts about your chapter.
  • If you are not attending convention (I might cry), but also, it will only ask you to fill out the forms I need from you (chapter proxies).
Please have this form filled out to me as soon as you possibly can, I will be in touch with the individual chapters who have not completed said forms.
You can find the forms on the SED website (tbssed.org) OR on the SED Convention website (sed2014.com) under Register/Forms/TBS.
I can’t wait to see you all in March!!!