I have been neglecting Tumblr over the end of last semester and Christmas break… no reason, just a lot on my mind that everyone does not need to know. 

But here are a few updates about things I have learned:

1. Your sisters will always be there for you—-> I recently went through a break up with a man I truly cared about. It was hard. And I didn’t make necessarily “cultivate and maintain my emotional poise.” I kinda went a little Mean Girls…. But you know what, through it all, my sisters were there. Supporting me, showing me love, and reminding me that there are some relationships that last forever. 

2. March for Music is driving me crazy—-> SO I have decided that March for Music is either going to go really extremely well or it’s going to flop. And it’s taken me this long to accept that. And to realize that I am the only one that can make that choice. So regardless of coordinators dropping, regardless of the (relatively) low registration numbers right now, I WILL PERSEVERE. I am determined to make this the next greatest event for the Southeast District of Tau Beta Sigma to participate in- this year and EVERY year.

3. ITB events are the greatest thing that ever has happened in my life. This weekend is Winter Council. I CANNOT WAIT. Next weekend is Honda, I am giddy with excitement. I just love ITB too much for a normal person to maintain normal relations. 

Have a great Thursday, I am going to teach some kids now.